Shopify POS

Shopwaive syncs with Shopify POS enabling your employees to apply customer credit or invoice charges to in-store purchases with a single button press

With Shopwaive, you have many Smart Grid Tiles to choose from on Shopify POS. From Send Gift Cards, Redeem Gift Cards, Debit, Offers, Refund, Admin, Invoice, and the Shopwaive Loyalty app Smart Grid Tile. If you have questions regarding any of our Smart Grid Tile solutions, just send us a quick message at or in the in-app chat, we're here to help

Smart Grid Tiles

Choose from any number of Shopwaive Smart Grid Tiles on Shopify POS that precisely solve your complex business work flows. Need to send a gift card in an email or redeem a credit as a gift card, all from the Shopify POS cart? We got you covered. Need a robust NET 30 Buy Now Pay Later solution on POS, look no further than Shopwaive's Invoice tile. We're glad you're here and ready to support.

Need a custom solution? Reach out to us at and we'll build it

Tip: You can add Shopwaive Smart Grid tiles on the Shopify POS cart page to process invoice charges, store credit, refunds, returns, and exchanges. This guide discusses how to give store credit to customers with Shopify POS, if instead you wish to allow customers to charge to an invoice, see Shopify POS Invoicing


To use Shopwaive with Shopify POS follow the steps outlined below. First, enable the Shopify POS setting toggle. To do this, follow these steps

Open the app and click the left menu item labeled Settings

Once you click Settings, scroll down and toggle on the Shopify POS setting. If you also wish to use Shopwaive's Invoice and Accounts Receivable services for Shopify POS, go ahead and enable this settings as well. Shopwaive's Invoice and Accounts Receivable services for Shopify POS are built exclusively for brick and mortar shops and works in the reverse way of Shopwaive Store Credit. See Invoicing and Accounts Receivable for a more detailed description of the differences.

When you enable Shopwaive's Shopify POS Invoicing services, Shopwaive's Store Credit services will be automatically disabled. For merchants with both in-store and online sales channels, its recommended to disable Shopify POS Invoicing

Loyalty Program for Shopify POS

Shopwaive's Loyalty program for Shopify and Shopify POS allow you to create custom automations, eligibility rules and conditions, expirations, and much more. Double points, custom redemption ratios and currencies, exclusions on products and collections, Membership perks and tier-based rewards are all easy to achieve with Shopwaive and POS.

In the example above, the Shopwaive app settings are setup as a Loyalty and Rewards Theme, where points are earned at rate you define and redeemed in increments that you also define. In this case, the redemption increment is set to 100 points, this means rewards can only be redeemed in increments of 100 points.

For the Loyalty and Rewards Theme defined on the Settings page, you can also select a multiplier for redemption and multiplier for display. The difference is the former is the ratio of points required to redeem a single unit of presentment currency at the time the reward is redeemed. For example, a multiplier of redemption of 20, would be 20 points is required to redeem $1 USD, if the stores presentment currency is USD. The latter is only for displaying purposes and represents the ratio of earned points to the customers actual available balance. A multiplier of display of 20 would mean a customer balance of 100 points would be displayed as 2,000 points at the time of checkout. You can combine multipliers for both options to create a uniquely defined rewards program.

If you are using the Loyalty and Rewards program, you may wish to also choose a custom suffix, such as points.

Here's a few examples of the Smart Grid Loyalty Program with Shopwaive. Feel free to reach out to our team to learn how to add the Loyalty app Smart Grid Tile, update your settings to get started. You can launch your own custom loyalty program and design it exactly to your specifications in just a matter of minutes. Then, its all automated without any upkeep or changes needed.

First, import the Loyalty Program Shopify Flow. Here's an example template that you can import on your store from within the Shopify Flow app.

You can modify this automation template anyway you wish or reach out to our team and we can help customize the template to meet your precise eligibility requirements. The Shopify Flow does one job, when an Order is created, it checks if items that were purchased are eligible for Earned points, if so it tags the Order so can easily keep track which orders were credited with points, and it deposits points to the customers' Shopwaive account balance.

The template checks if the Order was completed with Shopify POS, if you only want the the Program to be eligible for Shopify POS and exclude Online sales, then this condition is available to only deposit points for Shopify POS orders. Also, it checks if the customer has created an account with your store. They're required to have an email on file for Shopwaive to deposit points or cash back. The example template also checks if products purchased contain the word SERVICES in the title. This is just an example, but you can check Collection IDs, Product IDs, titles, and much more to exclude/include product type purchases for points. Finally, the flow uses Shopwaive's Increment balance action to increment the customers balance for eligible products that were purchased.

Notice an additional criteria is checked before a deposit is made. In the Amount input field, the customer's tags are checked to determine if they contain VIP, if so, then they earn double points, else they earn 1:1.

Next, you install Shopwaive from the Shopify App Store and add the Loyalty app Smart Grid tile to your Shopify POS Home page. Then, add your customer and add items to the cart. If your customer has already earned points, then they are displayed as shown, along with the number of available redemption options (promotions).

Within the Shopwaive app, you may choose the following settings:

  • Go to your Settings page, and choose Loyalty and Rewards for Theme Type. Then choose 1 for Multiplier for display and 20 for Multiplier on redemptions. This is just an example, you can choose any value for these, the default is 1 for both Multiplier types.

Definition: Multiplier for display. Multiplies a customers current balance by this display setting value, for example, a balance of $100 and Multiplier for display of 2, will display as $200 to the customer.

Definition: Multiplier for redemptions. By contrast, takes the customers current balance and discretizes it by the Multiplier on redemptions value. For example, a $100 balance with Multiplier on redemptions of 20, is equivalent to a $5 reduction applied to the cart.

  • Go to your Design tab, and choose Checkout extension for Shopify Plus for the Storefront design setting. Scroll down and choose 500 points for Redemption increments setting. Ensure to Save all settings at the top

Redemption increments are a new feature available for Shopify POS brands that allow you to place limits on increments of redemption. For example, you can design your Loyalty Program as a 1:1 spend/earn ratio, each dollar spent earns 1 point ($1 spent = 1 point earned). Then, if you choose the settings in the example above, 1,278 points will display to the customer on the Smart Grid Tile as precisely 1,278 points, since our Multiplier for display was set to 1 (Balance x Multiplier display = Balance displayed at Checkout, 1,278 x 1 = 1,278 points). Then, when you click on the Smart Grid Tile, the 2 available promotions are shown to your customer to choose. Since the Redemption increments was set to 500 points, the total 1,278 points are not eligible to be redeemed fully, since the customers points must only be redeemed in increments of 500. Therefore, the two promotions are 500 points and 1000 points.

If the 500 points offer is chosen, then a $25 reduction is applied to the cart. This is because a Multiplier on redemptions of 20 was saved in our settings. This means the 500 points / 20 = $25.

Similarly, if 1000 points were redeemed instead, then a $50 reduction would be applied to the cart (1000 points x 1 Multiplier for display / 20 Multiplier on redemptions = $50 reduction).

This is a quick introduction to Shopwaive's Loyalty Program with Shopify POS. If you don't see something you need, reach out to our team via the in-app chat, website chat, or directly via email at and if we haven't built it already; we're glad to help get you started and support updates and review new feature requests

Gift Cards in Shopify POS

Conveniently redeem customer store credit as an alternative form of payment using Gift Cards and Shopwaive's Smart Grid Redeem Gift Card Tile.

On the Smart Grid Cart, press Add tile > App > Shopwaive: Credit and Payments > Redeem Gift Card

Next, just add your customer and items to the cart. Press View Gift Card on the Shopwaive tile to be shown your customers unique redemption code for checkout. Copy and paste this code into the Gift card code field at checkout.

Simply press the View Gift Card tile on the Smart Grid cart. Then, copy and paste the redemption code (equal to the customers available balance) into the Gift card code field when selecting a form of payment

With Shopwaive's Shopify POS Gift Card extension, your customers credit applies toward the full cart costs, inclusive of line item merchandise, taxes, shipping, and fees. Combinations with other forms of payment is made easy with Shopwaive's POS extension, and makes bookkeeping and reporting seamless and organized. Keep track of customer redemption through Shopwaive's unique identifier, that's simple and intuitive to search, filter, export, and segment within the Shopify Admin.

Returns and exchanges in Shopify POS

Though you can manually issue store credit or use Bulk import for any miscellaneous reason, you can also issue credit inside the Shopify POS app based on scanned item value while processing a combination of return, exchange, and new purchase. You can perform any of the "3 R's" within Shopify POS with a single press of a button as described below in Redeem, Refund, and Remove.

To begin, just add the four Shopwaive tiles shown below to your Shopify POS Smart Grid. The Give Store Credit tile provides an app link to the Shopify app dashboard if needed but is not required. The Redeem (Loyalty app), Refund, and Remove tiles are designed specifically for Shopify POS merchants and are convenient since they enable you to perform Shopwaive operations without leaving the Shopify POS cart.

Redeem with Shopify POS Smart Grid

Customers can redeem their available account balance if you press the Redeem tile. This will apply the customer's available balance up to the amount required to cover the total due. If the available credit balance does not cover the full cost, the total due will be reduced by their available balance and the customer will be required to provide another form of payment to pay the remainder.

Refund with Shopify POS Smart Grid

Customers can be refunded for items they return to your store by pressing the Refund tile. You simply add the items to the Shopify POS cart by searching for them in your product catalog or by scanning them into Shopify POS using the product barcode. Then add the customer to the cart, if they do not exist, add them as a new customer and include their email address. The Refund tile will always equal the grand total of the customer's items in the Shopify POS cart. This makes it super easy to refund based on scanned value of an item, without the need for a receipt, order history, etc. For a miscellaneous refund amount, you can complete a custom sale.

If completing a refund and new purchase simultaneously, after completing the Refund, you simply can remove the refunded items and the customer from the cart, and then add the new purchase items to the cart. Removing the items associated with the refund from the cart does not remove or effect their credit, we simply temporarily scanned them into the cart to capture an accurate value to credit the customer. After completing the Refund, removing the customer and then adding them back to the Shopify POS cart will refresh their available balance that will appear in the Redeem tile

For issuing store credit refunds based on a specific order, you can do this at anytime by visiting the Order Details page of the order you wish to refund within the Shopify admin. Click the More Actions button at the top right of the Order page, and select Refund with Store Credit

Remove with Shopify POS Smart Grid

You can remove store credit from a customers balance by performing the same actions as with a refund, and instead, press the Remove tile. Add items to the Shopify POS cart. Then add the customer to the cart, if they do not exist, add them as a new customer and include their email address. If the customer is not new, but does not have an email address on file, you will need to add it before proceeding. The amount that will be removed from a customer's available balance is equivalent to the grand total in the Shopify POS cart. For a miscellaneous amount, you can complete a custom sale. A customer's available balance can never be less than 0.

After processing a refund or removal of credit, remove the customer from the cart and then add them back to get the latest available balance to reflect on the Redeem tile before proceeding to process the order

In the example above, the grand total of the customer's cart is equal to $245.25. The Refund and Remove tiles equal +$245.25, and -$245.25, respectively, indicating the customer's balance can be increased or decreased by the value of the items in the current cart session. If more items are added or removed from the cart, the value of these tiles will change to match, and will always remain in-sync with the current cart value.

Before these tiles will be available to take action, you first need to add a customer to the cart. New or existing customer's must have an email address. If they currently do not have an email address on file, you can add one by asking your customer to provide this information and entering the email address on their customer profile within the Shopify Admin or using the Customers tab within Shopify POS.

The Redeem tile is equal to $1274.00, this is the customer's existing credit balance, and is independent of the current Shopify POS cart value. After processing a refund or removal of credit, remove the customer from the cart and then add them back to get the latest available balance to reflect on the Redeem tile before proceeding to process the order.

Access the Shopwaive app within Shopify POS

You may wish to access all the features of the app within the Shopify POS environment. In this case, you simply add the Give Store Credit tile to your Smart Grid. This will provide a quick link to the app dashboard

Adjust balance with Shopify POS

In the Shopify POS app, if you cannot find your customer by email, they do not currently have an account in your Shopify Customers list. To add them, go to the Shopify POS cart page and press the Add customer tile and include their email address, then click Save

You can issue store credit to customers for online and in-store returns, exchanges, refunds, and promotions. To learn how to give customers credit manually within the Shopwaive app, see Store credit, before proceeding to the next steps

Checkout with Shopify POS — Step-by-step:

  1. Install the Shopwaive: Credit & Payments app from the Shopify App Store

  2. Add the Shopwaive: Credit & Payments (Loyalty app) tile to your cart page as shown below

  3. Scan items or search and add items to the cart

  4. Search for your customer by email and add them to the cart. If your customer does not yet exist, click the Add customer tile and include their email address, then click Save

  5. If the customer has an available credit balance, then it will appear as "Redeem $435.55" for example, in the Shopwaive (Loyalty app) tile on the cart page

  6. In the example below, if you click "Redeem $435.55", the available balance will be applied to the order. Only the amount required will be deducted from the customers available balance

  7. You can press the Clear cart or Remove discount tile at anytime to remove the applied credit from the purchase. The credit is only deducted from the customers balance after the order financial status changes to Paid

Last updated