New! Brands can connect Judge.me to create credit deposits, discounts, gift cards, and more when customers leave reviews with your connected Judge.me account
Last updated
New! Brands can connect Judge.me to create credit deposits, discounts, gift cards, and more when customers leave reviews with your connected Judge.me account
Last updated
Shopwaive's integration with Judge.me is powered by the Shopify Flow app. Install Shopify Flow to unlock powerful automations, including Judge.me to Shopwaive
Judge.me powers product reviews for your e-commerce store and helps you collect and display star ratings and reviews on Shopify. Now brands can connect the Judge.me trigger to all of Shopwaive's Shopify Flow actions, like create discounts and gift codes and send them in an email, or create credit deposits to reward your customer for leaving a review after a recent purchase
Download this Judge.me Shopify Flow template
Simply install Shopify Flow. Then create a new flow with the Judge.me trigger named New review received. Next, connect the Judge.me trigger to the Shopwaive Increment balance or Create discount action, or any of the 7 available Shopwaive actions designed exclusively for Shopify Flow.
Unlock this powerful feature today. If your team needs help setting up or have questions, contact Shopwaive's development team at support@shopwaive.com